RPA 'Ecomed',
129090, Russia, Moscow, POB no. 87,
tel. 963-11-22, tel./fax 963-05-97,
email: ecomednpo@mtu-net.ru,
site: www.npoecomed.com

on the results of clinical tests of "Electronic normalizers", conducted by The State Scientific-Research Institute of Extremal Medicine, Field Farmacy and Medical Equipment of Defence Ministry of the Russian Federation

  • Participants
    of the test of the autonomous electrostimulator of gastrointestinal tract and mucosa - the Electronic Normalizer (TU 9444-014-11555014), designed and produced by Research and Production Association "Ecomed", - in the extreme conditions of high-latitude expedition "Metelitsa" to the South Pole. (1995-1996)
  • PROTOCOL of prof. E.G.Jiliaev
    of the test of the autonomous electrostimulator of gastrointestinal tract and mucosa - the Electronic Normalizer (TU 9444-014-11555014), designed and produced by Research and Production Association "Ecomed", - in the extreme conditions of high-latitude expedition "Metelitsa" to the South Pole. (1995-1996)
    of the test of the autonomous electrostimulator of gastrointestinal tract and mucosa - the Electronic Normalizer (TU 9444-014-11555014), designed and produced by Research and Production Association "Ecomed", - in the extreme conditions of high-latitude expedition "Metelitsa" to the South Pole. (1995-1996)

    How to distinguish original products from the fake ones

    Original products have laser marking on the box with written title "Electronic normalizer", factory number, little star and the RPA "Ecomed" trade mark.
